The Covid-19 and its impacts
The Covid-19 and its impact
Everything was just going well, the process of progress in almost every area of human life was on the way towards success. There spreads a piece of news regarding an unusual virus that surges in the Wuhan city of China. The world was not paying attention to the scenario and it was assuming that it was something that is caused by the Chinese people’s diet, and it could only be confined to the affected area.
sooner the after the lightly-carried invisible creature started to challenge the pride of human beings to be very advanced in medical science. The Wuhan city was on the verge of despair as the pandemic engulfed a large number of people relentlessly. China’s strategy and medical resources could not work to curb the happenings. hospitals run out of beds, all the human activities halted completely for a couple of months in the city.

But the invisible species did not yet spare the lives of humans and it got spread almost all over the world. The most affected countries include Italy, the USA, terrorist’s Modi’s land, UAE, and many other countries were badly affected. The great Pakistanis here started the memes business and joked in such a terrible situation. Even people did not believe that “ CORONA” is a fact.
COVID, a challenge for the collapsing economy of Pakistan:
By the end of February 2020, the inimitable claims of Pakistani people “Humri kuwat e mudfiat achi hoti hai colola human Nahi lagskti” started to take their last. The economy of Pakistan was already derailed and yet there was a ray of light after the current government’s stoning efforts it was stabilized a bit and the novel coronavirus came as a hindrance in the way of getting nourished further. COVID forced the government to abate the usual businesses in order to protect people from getting infected.
Although the public rousing business areas stoped their operation few of the major areas remained operating, the govt led them to continue. The premier urged that more than the half population of the country are daily wagers so those people would have to suffer greatly. Due to the wise decisions of the govt, Pakistan’s economy was saved from devastations. To cope up with the terrifying situations, govt introduced smart lockdowns in the red spots, which helped a lot to curb the pandemic.
CORONA made Shafqat Mahmood a most liked personality:
The pandemic did not allow the educational institutions to be operated and all the educational institutions closed from the start of the march to august fifteen. students like the writer became excited and made lots of plans to visit here and there. So, the education minister became an apple of an eye, and love aroused whenever came to listen to the name of the cute man “ Shafqat Jani”